My philosophical menagerie houses wise animals, which have followed bizarre and incongruous evolutionary lines. 

A parallel natural history where goats can "giraffize", take on abnormal mutations and not very Darwinian hybridizations.

In my bestiary you will also find donkeys in parrot school, and graduated dogs. You will find cats serving tea to mice and birds in Jesuit meditation.

But my animals painted with Durerian scrupulousness and great zoological verisimilitude also launch a modest, very humble challenge to science: collected a few years ago,  en noblesse, by Elisabetta Visalberghi, a well-known primatologist and ethologist.

Presenting one of my exhibitions entitled  Apocryphal Zoography,   she observed that "scientific knowledge is not based on truth and that the scientist's job consists in demonstrating that a hypothesis is false and that, therefore, other hypotheses can be true. And that they remain so until not falsified themselves.”

Logically, our scientist concluded her dissertation sportingly passing the baton to the scholar capable of falsifying my wise parrots, Carrollian white rabbits, Bulgakofian cats, tea masters.